Sunday, August 8, 2010


After the Greco-Roman toys, the next group of toys somewhat easy to find would be viking/norseman style toys. Vikings have become part of the stock of fantasy and action stories. Many kids want to be a viking and go plundering, or exploring or trading. I am not heavily into the Norse mythos, so I just found some basic toys.

Viking Chief from Le Toy Van,
who makes nice wooden toys

Playmobil vikings, great for little kids

Viking Warriors from Papo, great for older kids

Another Viking Warrior from Papo

Odin and Sleipnir from Final Fantasy.
This is not really a toy, so for teenage and older

Thor model, great for an altar

Another model, also great for an altar
plush Thor, great for kids, found at

Minnesota Vikings plushie

Viking on horse plush

Lego Viking Fortress, with a dragon

Viking ship kit, for kids that love kits

Viking science kit, found at

I will reiterate, dressing for the part is so much a part of magic and myth, so here are some costumes

modernized Viking girl

Viking princess

furry Viking hat

childs costume helmet

teen and adult costume helmet

Marvel comics has had Thor as one of their major characters for many years. He was one of the founding members of the Avengers, the greatest super hero team in that universe. Though they portray his as more a blonde, cleanshaven Swedish looking man than as the historic version, I feel that it is still okay. I take it as a modernization of Thor, and nothing more. Many sociologists and anthropologists have already commented that comics are todays versions of mythology, so he fits in quite well. And as a god, he is not stuck in only one form. So, here are some Marvel Comics Thor toys.
Thor action figure, his old costume was very super hero looking
He got an updated costume and a beard,
though it still looked like a super hero costume
Here he is with the hulk, who he fought,
his costume was updated again, and looks a lot better, with armor,
though he lost his beard.
Muggs Thor, popular model toys

Heroclix game toy of Thor on his chariot pulled by his goats Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr

A Thor plushie

Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, here as a model or part of a costume

Thor's helmet, the more recent costume version

Thor kids costume, he can be a god and a hero

There are other kinds of items to get, you just have to look for them. Also, don't forget to gift your child with an amulet of Mjolnir.

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